Patience is an ally of purpose. Patience is the ability go through some sort of opposition without getting emotionally frustrated or upset. Having patience means having the ability to keep an open mind even while being under an attack. The question raised now is “how does your patience in life make room for spiritual growth?”
Have you ever been so busy looking for your keys that you overlook them ten times before you realize that they are right where you anticipated on them being the whole time? It took you slowing down and carefully examining the pile of clothes that you rapidly tossed around in the various attempts to find those keys. Come to find out they were there the whole time and now you feel silly because if you would have just looked with patience you would have found them the first go around. There are many times that the very thing you are searching for in life is within your reach, closer than you expected, or on the path that you anticipated it to be on. The desire that you have inside of you that naturally leads you to a specific industry, a specific interest, or a specific vision may very well be the path that you are pursuing. Your work ethic, determination, and consistency to pursue this path has a great impact on how profitable this path will be for you. When pursuing purpose, profit does not always mean financially but it also means holistically. It means experiencing the necessary successes and failures that it takes to accomplish that lifelong vision. However, hard work does not always correlate to progress. Movement is not the same thing as achievement. Do not condone the act of simply taking on “activities.” This will potentially stretch you thin. Pursuing the vision with purpose always requires moments of reflection, seasons of patience, and the ability to put every single outcome into a positive perspective (the proper perspective). Do not allow yourself to be so focused on work that you forget to grow with the transitions of life that will eventually lead to the results God intends for you to have. Your patience is an ally to your purpose.
Keep Working... Keep Growing... Keep Believing