Have you considered the cost? Have you calculated the possible outcomes? Have you committed to the sacrifice? Everything in life that you choose to commit to has a cost associated with it. The cost of being a believer was paid through Jesus and the footprints from Jesus’ walk are represented through you as a believer. As a believer, you have accepted the fact that the cost of following Christ means living within God’s will for your life. God’s will for your life is something that many people have to be taught how to find. There are very few people who know their purpose from a young age. That’s right, God’s will for your life is translated through your purpose. Jesus walked the earth to show the way (to teach you what it looks like). In doing so, He became the example of what it cost to live a life as a believer. He bore the greatest cost for the entire world. How He moved in life still stands as a perfect example of how to handle the circumstances that every believer is faced with in life here on this earth. He showed the world that this thing called faith is a process. He showed the world the importance of forgiveness. He showed the world that love has no record of wrong doings. He showed the world that sin is a component of life that doesn’t have the power to define you. He showed the world that the atmosphere that you live in should not determine your decisions. God’s word should be the only determining factor.
What are you willing to give up finding your purpose? Consider the cost. Nothing in life is free. Take a second to think about what it means to be a believer. Being a believer means conforming to Jesus’ example of living. There is an internal transformation in life that happened and continues to happen to you when you became a believer. Your mind began to think differently (over time). Your perspective began to show you things in a different light (over time). Your walk began to change completely (over time). These transformations happen over time, but the first thing you must grasp is the understanding that how you move (think and act) as a believer is important. The time it takes for you to truly grow into the individual God has called and is calling you to be depends on the cost you are willing to pay daily. Maybe you can use that time you spend on social media and use it to study God’s word. Maybe you can study a biblical figure/example the way you study the stock market, or that schoolwork, or even those streets.
As a believer you are the voice that preserves the hope. You are the lamp that brings light into the situation. You are not the norm. You are the exception. Not in arrogance, but you are the exception in humility and patience. You are the exception in prayer and in having a purposeful impact. You are the exception in love and peace. When you embrace being the exception then making decisions that help solidify your identity throughout the stages of life like childhood, adolescence, and adulthood become easier. It becomes easier to turn down the world’s definition of fun. It becomes easier to give up a worldly experience to gain spiritual character. The reason why it all becomes easier is because you have considered the cost. You have decided that “your past” is no longer a cost that you are willing to pay. You began cutting some expenses out of your budget. In return, it freed some money up for you to reallocate your funds. You now have the availability to invest that much more into the things that you are willing to pay the cost for. Investing in your soul and investing in your personal growth are always smart investments. It becomes easier to stumble across your purpose when you have found an identity as a believer. As you pursue Christ your destiny awaits you!
Have you considered what it will cost you physically, mentally, and emotionally to lose the world? Have you considered what it will cost you spiritually to gain your soul? Consider the cost.
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