Message of the Day: TRUST GOD!
Message of the Day: TRUST GOD!
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Can you fool Him as easily as you fool people?

In this life it is easy to create and live in whatever manner you’d like. Riches are readily available to those that seek it diligently. Travel is accessible to those who place their desire in travel. Women and men, be it love or lust, are within reach. Various experiences can be found to those who seek them out. With creation being the foundation that this world has sprouted out of, how can one find their true God given purpose when they can be whoever they want to be and do whatever they want to do in life?

                God is a god of judgement. God is a god of grace. God is a god of truth, wisdom, and vision. As a believer, you must be mindful of how you choose to view your life. The scale that you use to weigh your success, your intent, your love, your kindness, your generosity, and ultimately your walk needs to be based on transparency and truth. That scales needs to be the word of God.  Anyone can trick another person into believing that they have life figured out. What you cannot do is trick God. Every single person makes one decision at a time without knowing what the future holds. You can make people believe that your life revolves around your faith, but how often do you re-calibrate your own scale? There are seasons in your life where you talk about God more than you talk to Him. There are seasons in your life when life gets overwhelming and you turn to God as a result of your trials and not out of genuine love (spiritual maturity). There are seasons in your life where you feel that life is going great. Suddenly, that prayer life that you worked so hard to create in the tough times begins to become less and less of a necessity in the good times. The point is that you can show people what you want them to see. You can create an image that you want to project off onto others. You can help formulate the opinions that people have of you. The hard truth is that none of that does you any good when it comes to spiritual growth and maturity. What you cannot do is hide God from the real you. You are not a slave nor a victim to sin, to thoughts, or to internal character issues. You fight against them by calling on the name of Jesus. The weapons of your warfare are not earthy. They are spiritual. You are an overcomer because greater is He that is in you (the Holy Spirit) than the pressures, temptations, or things of this world. So, can you fool God as easily as you fool people …. the answer is no. When you find yourself in a situation to where you are living a life to fit in someone’s opinion of you or living a life to help shape someone else’s viewpoint of you and not to please God then the only person you are fooling is yourself. Circumstances, problems, and uncandid adjustments in life do not mean that things are bad. They are apart of life. Internal character issues, falling into sin, and setbacks are all components of the process. Developing your faith is a process. Be true to who you are because God wants to change the real you. Not the image that you are projecting off onto others. What separates you from a non-believer is Christ. In Christ, you can address your addictions, you can confront your issues, and you can right your wrongs with doing so in transparency and truth. God knows the real you and it is time that you got to know the real you too. Don’t run from it. Embrace your process!


Keep Working… Keep Growing… Keep Believing

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